Office 365 Guardian
The Ultimate Microsoft Office 365 Monitoring and Security Package

Threat Monitoring
It’s a no-brainer!
Our Office 365 Guardian is affordable and easy to implement to ensure that YOU stay in control.
You know instantly if anyone attempts to gain entry, so they can be booted straight out before any damage can be done.

What is the weakest link in your business?
(Hint.) You’d be wrong if you think it’s technology and right if you think it’s people.
You can put in the most sophisticated technology (and you certainly should make sure that is in place), but if you overlook the people element, you will most certainly fall victim.
Cybercriminals are making targeted, strategic attacks on businesses. They find the right way to allure your staff into clicking a link to give away their usernames and passwords.
They are cunning social engineers, preying on human weaknesses and emotional vulnerabilities to give them a window of opportunity into your systems.